Why join the B.C. Federation of Fly Fishers?
As the membership director, people frequently ask me why they should put their name down as a member of a club or organization. After all, most people engage with fly fishing issues and information anonymously through social media or have their avatars post snippets on forums. My answer is that our fishing opportunities and the environments that support them are constantly at risk. Neither Mark Zuckerberg nor Elon Musk give two dull hooks about them.
If you care about fish, their thriving habitat, and having access to top-notch angling experiences for yourself, your loved ones, and future generations, being part of an organisation that safeguards and enhances the fly-fishing community is not only the logical choice, it’s the most effective way to make a difference.
The Federation of Fly Fishers is the leading advocate for British Columbian’s who care for our trout, salmon, and steelhead. Established in 1973, we remain a federation of individuals and clubs who work together to protect habitat and advocate for improved access regulations. At the moment, we exclusively represent non-commercial anglers at two significant advisory tables: The Provincial Angling Taskforce and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Sport Fishing Advisory Board. That matters.
There comes a time when we either feel compelled, or can finally find the time and resources to give back. If you’re at that place, we make the first step easy. A yearly membership costs just $20, making it incredibly affordable. Click the button at the top of your screen and make all our voices stronger.